FCI Standard of the American Akita
FCI Standard: | Nr. 344 from 25.10.2000 |
Origin: | Japan |
Development: | USA |
Use: | Companion Dog |
General appearance |
Large, strong built, well balanced dog with much substance and heavy bone. The broad head, forming a blunt triangle, with deep muzzle, relatively small eyes and erect ears, which extend the topline of the neck are almost worn tilted forward, are characteristic of the breed. |
Important proportions |
The withers is related to the length of body is 9 to 10 in males and 9 to 11 in females. The depth of chest is half the height at the withers. The distance from tip of nose to stop corresponds to the distance from stop to occiput as 2 to 3. |
Behavior / Nature | |
Nature: | Friendly, attentive, receptive, obedient and quiet. |
Head: | Massive, but in harmony with the whole body, in a peaceful situation without any wrinkles.
Seen from above, the head forms a blunt triangle.. |
Skull: | Skull: flat and broad between the ears. A shallow furrow extends well up forehead. |
Stop: | Well defined but not too abrupt. |
Skull face: | Nose mirror: Broad and black. Slight and diffuse Pimentverlust on nose is acceptable in white dogs only but black is always preferred. |
Fang: | Broad, deep and full |
Lips: | Black, not pendulous, pink tongue. |
Pine / Teeth: | Pine is not rounded, but blunt, strong and powerful, strong teeth and regular and full dentition, scissors bite is preferably, but level bite acceptable. |
Eyes: | Dark brown, relatively small, not prominent, almost triangular in shape.
Eye rims black and tight close fitting. |
Ears: | They are strongly erect and small in relation to the rest of the head. If the ear to control the forward folded length, tip will touch the edge of the eyelid. The ears are triangular, slightly rounded at tip, wide at base, not set too low. Viewed from the side, the ears are an extension of the topline of the neck slightly forward over eyes worn. |
Neck: | Thick and muscular with minimal dewlap, comparatively short, widening gradually toward shoulders. The pronounced crest blends harmoniously into the base of the skull. |
Body: | Longer than high. Skin not too thin, neither too tight nor too loose. |
Back: | Horizontal |
Lumbar: | Heavily muscled. |
Chest: | Wide and deep. Ribs well sprung, brisket in the well-trained.
Underline and belly moderately tucked up. |
Rod: | Powerful and lush hairy, high-set, on the back or leaning against the flank worn, rolled up to three quarters full, or double, the peak always dipping to or lower back. When it's three-quarter curl, tip drops well down on flank. On approach, the tail is big and strong. If it hangs or stretched, the last tail vertebra reaching the hock. The hair is coarse, dense and straight, with no appearance of a flag. |
Limbs: | Forelegs: The front legs have a heavy bone structure and are seen from front. |
Shoulder: | Strong and powerful, moderate layback. |
Front Metatarsus: | Inclined at an angle of about 15% to the vertical forward. |
Hindquarters: | Strongly muscled, width and bone comparable to forequarters, are usually removed the dewclaws on hind legs. |
Thigh: | Strong, well angulated. |
Knee: | Moderately bent when viewed from behind parallel. |
Hock: | Well let down, turning neither in nor out.
Paws: Straight, cat feet, well knuckled up with thick pads. |
Gait: | Powerful, covering ground with moderate reach and drive. Hind legs move in line with the front legs, the back remains strong, firm and still horizontal.
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Coat: | Stock hair. Undercoat thick, soft, dense and shorter than outer coat. Outer coat straight, harsh / stiff and standing somewhat off body sticking out. On the head, lower legs and ears the hair is short. The length of hair at withers and the rump is approximately 5 cm, slightly longer than on rest of body, except tail, where coat is longest and most profuse. |
Color: | All colors, like red, fawn, white, etc. are permitted, and brindle. The colors are bright and clear and markings are well balanced, with or without a mask. Pinto have a white ground with large, evenly placed patches covering head and more than a Dritteldes body. Undercoat may be a different color from outer coat. |
Size: | Withers: Males 66 to 71 cm (26 to 28 ins)
Withers: Females 61 to 66 cm (24 to 26 ins) |